Henderson Valley School
Vision: Curious, Creative, Connected, Successful Learners
Values: Whakaute (Respect), Takohanga (Responsibility), Manaakitanga (Caring), Whanaungatanga (Relationships)
Nau mai, haere mai ki te whānau o Henderson Valley kura. Welcome to Henderson Valley School.
Henderson Valley School is a happy, fun and safe place where we all enjoy learning. Our vision is to develop ākonga/students who are ...Curious, Creative, Connected, Successful Learners.
We work hard to provide a nurturing, holistic environment that personalises learning, values the individual whilst developing a sense of belonging and collaboration. We are proud to be a Green Gold Enviro-school and we are innovative and motivated about developing a community that instinctively thinks and acts sustainably.
We really value the partnership we have with our whānau/families - your involvement is invaluable. We believe that when school and home work together - we can maximise the learning opportunities for all of our ākonga/learners.
We encourage you to use this website to learn about our kura/school and stay connected with your child's learning, newsletters and other school events.
If you are new to Henderson Valley School - we look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to our awesome school.
He waka eke noa ~ We are all in this together.
Ngā mihi
Janet Moyle