Student Leaders
Student Leadership Team
Rangatira Tauira
Our Student Leaders for 2023 are Preston R, Isla C, Yassmin A, Abigail C, Kavaan B, Scarlett B, Olivia C, Sofia K, Bailee O, Jasmyn B, William L, and Ethan H.
You will see them around the school in their roles of House Leader, Events Organiser, or Ambassador and involved in other activities. This is an important leadership role for our school. Congratulations to our successful team.
Henderson Valley has twelve student leaders for 2023. The student leadership team is made up of three positions.
House Leaders (Kereru, Tui, Ruru, Piwakawaka)
School Wide Events Organisers (all student leaders)
To provide ākonga with authentic contexts to build leadership capability
To provide opportunities for ākonga to have a ‘voice’ in their school and be ‘decision makers’
To support the achievement of the school vision
Roles and Responsibilities
All Leaders
Be a good role model and behave in a way that is consistent with the school values;
Carry out any duties expected of them in relation to their position
Display behaviours consistent with the concept of tuakana teina
Give up some personal time
Attend all meetings
Actively participate in meetings
To actively engage in the activities, projects, and events organised by the team
Welcoming visitors to the school, showing them around the school if required
Thanking guests/visitors at assemblies
Act as school representatives at community events where appropriate
House Leaders
Provide leadership to their house during appropriate school/sports events
Ensure all house members are treated fairly and are given equal opportunity to participate in house events
Provide opportunities for tuakana teina
School Wide Events Organisers
Organise school wide events e.g. Down Syndrome Day, Daffodil Day
Organise opportunities for tuakana teina to occur