Digital Learning
At Henderson Valley School we use digital technologies in our everyday teaching, integrating technology across learning areas to support and enhance our students' learning. The digital technologies curriculum isn’t just about teaching students how to use digital devices, it’s about giving them an understanding of how digital technologies work. They will learn the skills to become creators of new digital technologies which can help solve real-world problems and challenges.
New! Online Saftey Hub
Your family, your school and online safety
Supporting every child's digital journey with expert advice. Children today are growing up in an increasingly online world and it's essential that we are doing all that we can to support and guide their digital journey. The Online Safety Hub supports the school community by providing practical insights and advice directly from internationally-renowned Online Safety & Digital Wellness Experts.
Digital Citizenship
Digital citizenship is a concept which helps us to understand what our children should know in order to use technology appropriately. Digital citizenship is a way to prepare students for a society full of technology. We support students to become super digital citizens by teaching cybersafety and all it entails throughout the year. We hope that students will become aware of their digital footprint and what impact it has, given their responsibilities as members of the Henderson Valley School online community.
Bring your own Device (Optional)
At Henderson Valley, we believe e-learning provides limitless opportunities for students to explore, create and collaborate in personalised learning environments. In the last years, we have made significant progress in our understanding of the impact digital technologies can make to learning and in our acquisition of resources to support this endeavour. The New Zealand Curriculum outlines a vision for fostering young people who will be “confident, connected, actively involved and lifelong learners” and in the 21st century, learning enhanced by the use of Digital Technologies is an integral part of this vision. Henderson Valley School, all Year 3-6 students will have the option to Bring their Own Chromebook to school to support their learning.
Online Safety

Cyber Safety at Home
Cyber safety is an important part of learning at HVS. With many of our current learning programmes now taking place online at home, it is timely to be reminded of these cyber safety messages. At the link below you will find very useful information to help your family at home which includes the following:
free digital support from Network for Learning (N4L) to help keep your children safe online
HVS cyber safety rules
guidelines for video-conferencing
Google Meet and Zoom expectations
Please share these messages with your children and remind them of cyber safe practices during their learning at home.
Online Safety Support
As you know, children's online safety is important. At school, Network for Learning (N4L) helps keep all of our students safe from the bad side of the internet. During lockdown, our students’ place of learning has now shifted to their home. So N4L has worked out a way to help parents keep their children safely connected at home. Please see the advertisement below and visit the following website for more information: