Henderson Valley has a lovely vibrant library which was moved onto site about 3 years ago. We have a great collection of books including picture books, sophisticated picture books, graphic novels, quick picks, chapter books, reference books and a great easy to use non-fiction collection. We are adding new books to our collection every week.
Each class visits our library once a week to issue library books and learn library skills. Our library is open at lunchtimes and is always very busy with children enjoying the books with friends or just chilling on a bean bag in their own world to read a book. We have a “Please enjoy me in the Library” section that children love which is full of Guiness World Record Books, Magazines, Jokes & Minecraft Books so is very popular.
We have 20 librarians from the Kauri Team (Years 5 & 6) who work in our library at lunchtimes and help the Year 1 & 2 classes in their library sessions. Our librarians get training one hour a week to earn their bronze, silver and gold awards and also a Librarian badge, each of these awards is earned for learning various skills in the library from using the Access-It Library Computer Programme, to cataloguing and shelving books, and writing book reviews. Our librarians learn great respect, responsibility and leadership skills in the course of training for these awards.
We are further developing our Library Webapp this year so children and staff can browse the collection from home and reserve books.
We welcome parents to our library anytime to look around, to get help finding the right books for their children to enjoy, or to issue extra books for their children for those who can’t get enough of reading.