Peer Mediators
Peer mediators guide a process of problem solving for their peers. This involves a team of mediators in the playground at break times supporting others to build caring and safe relationships.
Peer mediators receive intensive initial and regular ongoing training during school time.
We have 23 peer mediators this year. They are all ākonga in Years 5 and 6.
To provide ākonga with authentic contexts to build mediation capability;
To build competencies that support pro-social behaviour in ākonga;
To support the achievement of the school vision.
To be a mediator, you need to be:
A good listener
Have respect for your peers
Have good verbal skills
Have initiative and be able to self-manage
Be willing to try new things
Be able to stick to something you commit to
Have a positive attitude
Be trustworthy
This is a tricky role with lots of new learning for our ākonga. There is a process they have to follow when mediating that has to be learned and then remembered. You can learn more about peer mediation here (have a look at the videos at the bottom of the page - we are using the Year 4 - 8 version at this stage).
We encourage all our ākonga to approach our peer mediators if they have a problem at break times - our mediators will get help from a kaiako/teacher if needed.