Our Learning
Learning at HVS
Henderson Valley School is a learning community with a clear and determined focus on raising student achievement. We teach all 7 learning areas of the New Zealand Curriculum - English, Maths and Statistics, Science, Social Studies, Health and PE, The Arts, and Technology.
Our School Vision is: Curious, Creative, Connected, Successful Learners
For learners to be successful research shows that students/ākonga need to be able to talk about their learning. Being able to answer the following questions is central to successful learning:
What are you learning?
Why are you learning it?
How will you know if you are successful?
What are your next steps?
Being successful is not the same as being right or wrong - it is about understanding your learning and knowing what you need to do next; it is about being able to look at what you are doing and see if it meets the criteria. Our ākonga are becoming more successful at this every day.