Our Vision
Curious, Creative, Connected, Successful Learners.
Henderson Valley School’s Vision…
Curious, Creative, Connected, Successful Learners
At HVS our ākonga and kaimahi are curious learners. We are open minded thinkers who ask critical questions. We approach our learning with a growth mindset and a desire to learn. We find different ways to ask why, and what if - and are actively motivated to seek possibilities.
At HVS our ākonga and kaimahi are creative learners. We think outside the box to find different ways of doing things. When we encounter a problem we are flexible, adaptive, resourceful and imaginative. We are expressive both individually and collaboratively. By thinking broadly and deeply we can transform challenges into opportunities.
At HVS our ākonga and kaimahi are connected learners. We are connected to our own culture and the culture of others and we understand and celebrate our differences and similarities. We nurture our sense of belonging by valuing and actively engaging in relationships between school,
students, whānau, community and our natural environment.
At HVS our ākonga and kaimahi are successful learners. We embrace opportunities in many different ways. We work independently and collaboratively, knowing when and how to ask for help. We are resilient, we take risks when trying new things and we learn from our mistakes. We push through challenges with a growth mindset, knowing our goals and our next steps. We are reflective leaders of our own learning.